Inspirational Quotes
Life is like an analogy.
Aaron Allston
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Aaron Allston
Age: 53 †
Born: 1960
Born: December 8
Died: 2014
Died: February 27
Film Director
Game Designer
Role-Playing Game Designer
Science Fiction Writer
Aaron Dale Allston
More quotes by Aaron Allston
The principle of Sturgeon's Razor states that the simplest answer to any problem is 90% crap
Aaron Allston
No one pays me to be nice.
Aaron Allston
I really can't complain about actresses who get paid to be dumb. Most of us can't get paid to be smart.
Aaron Allston
Oh, wonderful. I killed his father. He hates me. He knows how to make bombs. Come on, Wedge, how does this story end?
Aaron Allston
No, they can't. They can't be Luke Skywalker.
Aaron Allston
Luke, I don't want to discourage your curiosity, but I have to remind you, if something goes wrong, this is an exceptionally embarassing way to die. Mara
Aaron Allston
Luck consists largely of hanging on by your fingernails until things start to go your way.
Aaron Allston
At which time the repulsor puts out its final effort and slows you down so you crash quite slowly into the surface. Crash. Quite slowly. Face & Luke
Aaron Allston
Rogue Squadron doesn't run. Unless we really, really have to.
Aaron Allston
Tycho, we're about to achieve a tremendous victory we don't want. We'll put that in your biography. General Antilles was so good he couldn't fail when he tried to. Thanks. Wedge & Tycho
Aaron Allston
No, General. I'm not your subordinate. And what I'm coming dangerously close to is violence. -General Wedge Antilles
Aaron Allston
I was years older than you when I became an ambassador for the first time. Remember that, Tycho? How did we get through that assignment, anyway?” “Pretty much, we opened fire on everyone who disagreed with us.” Wedge nodded and turned to his daughter. “When all else fails, just do that.
Aaron Allston
Any sufficiently badly-written science is indistinguishable from magic.
Aaron Allston
There are times when the end justifies the means. But when you build an argument based on a whole series of such times, you may find that you've constructed an entire philosophy of evil. --Luke Skywalker
Aaron Allston
I'm content to stand on tradition. I'm even more content to wipe my feet on it.
Aaron Allston
And unlike the rest of you, he hasn’t yet time to ruin his career or his mind. Then he won’t do. Send him home. Get us another lunatic. Excuse me! [hopping up to stand in his seat] Elassar Targon, master of the universe, reporting for duty! I withdraw my objection.
Aaron Allston
Ennui and lethargy are waging a war inside me.
Aaron Allston
If you hack the Vatican server, have you tampered in God's domain?
Aaron Allston
I have to say, this sounds like the worst idea in a thousand generations of bad ideas. You haven't heard all our ideas. Luke & Bhindi Drayson
Aaron Allston
Rogue Squadron doesn’t run. Unless we really, really have to. No, this will be Wraith Squadron’s mission. We don’t mind running. Even when we don’t have to.
Aaron Allston