Inspirational Quotes
Genius is an intellect that has become unfaithful to its destiny.
Arthur Schopenhauer
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Arthur Schopenhauer
Age: 72 †
Born: 1788
Born: February 22
Died: 1860
Died: September 21
University Teacher
More quotes by Arthur Schopenhauer
That a god like Jehovah should have created this world of misery and woe, out of pure caprice, and because he enjoyed doing it, and should then have clapped his hands in praise of his own work, and declared everything to be very good-that will not do at all!
Arthur Schopenhauer
Happiness belongs to those who are sufficient unto themselves. For all external sources of happiness and pleasure are, by their very nature, highly uncertain, precarious, ephemeral and subject to chance.
Arthur Schopenhauer
We can do what we wish, but we can only wish what we must.
Arthur Schopenhauer
The discovery of truth is prevented more effectively, not by the false appearance things present and which mislead into error, not directly by weakness of the reasoning powers, but by preconceived opinion, by prejudice.
Arthur Schopenhauer
Truth that is naked is the most beautiful, and the simpler its expression the deeper is the impression it makes.
Arthur Schopenhauer
The fourfold root of the principle of sufficent reason is Anything perceived has a cause. All conclusions have premises. All effects have causes. All actions have motives.
Arthur Schopenhauer
It is a curious fact that in bad days we can very vividly recall the good time that is now no more but that in good days, we have only a very cold and imperfect memory of the bad.
Arthur Schopenhauer
A man of talent will strive for money and reputation but the spring that moves genius to the production of its works is not as easy to name
Arthur Schopenhauer
That I could clamber to the frozen moon. And draw the ladder after me.
Arthur Schopenhauer
For our improvement we need a mirror.
Arthur Schopenhauer
We deceive and flatter no one by such delicate artificies as we do our own selves.
Arthur Schopenhauer
Our first ideas of life are generally taken from fiction rather than fact.
Arthur Schopenhauer
It is difficult to find happiness within oneself, but it is impossible to find it anywhere else.
Arthur Schopenhauer
Unrest is the mark of existence.
Arthur Schopenhauer
Every state of welfare, every feeling of satisfaction, is negative in its character that is to say, it consists in freedom from pain, which is the positive element of existence.
Arthur Schopenhauer
It is only the hope of what is claimed that begets and nurishes the wish.
Arthur Schopenhauer
Freedom of the press is to the machinery of the state what the safety valve is to the steam engine.
Arthur Schopenhauer
A high degree of intellect tends to make a man unsocial.
Arthur Schopenhauer
Pride is generally censured and decried, but mainly by those who have nothing to be proud of.
Arthur Schopenhauer
Boredom is just the reverse side of fascination: both depend on being outside rather than inside a situation, and one leads to the other.
Arthur Schopenhauer