Inspirational Quotes
Genius is to other gifts what the carbuncle is to the precious stones. It sends forth its own light, whereas other stones only reflect borrowed light.
Arthur Schopenhauer
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Arthur Schopenhauer
Age: 72 †
Born: 1788
Born: February 22
Died: 1860
Died: September 21
University Teacher
More quotes by Arthur Schopenhauer
Just as the largest library, badly arranged, is not so useful as a very moderate one that is well arranged, so the greatest amount of knowledge, if not elaborated by our own thoughts, is worth much less than a far smaller volume that has been abundantly and repeatedly thought over.
Arthur Schopenhauer
You can do what you will, but in any given moment of your life you can will only one definite thing and absolutely nothing other than that one thing.
Arthur Schopenhauer
I have long held the opinion that the amount of noise that anyone can bear undisturbed stands in inverse proportion to his mental capacity and therefore be regarded as a pretty fair measure of it.
Arthur Schopenhauer
Unrest is the mark of existence.
Arthur Schopenhauer
The world is not a factory and animals are not products for our use
Arthur Schopenhauer
A major difficulty in translation is that a word in one language seldom has a precise equivalent in another one.
Arthur Schopenhauer
Wealth is like sea-water the more we drink, the thirstier we become and the same is true of fame.
Arthur Schopenhauer
There is no opinion, however absurd, which men will not readily embrace as soon as they can be brought to the conviction that it is generally adopted.
Arthur Schopenhauer
It is a curious fact that in bad days we can very vividly recall the good time that is now no more but that in good days, we have only a very cold and imperfect memory of the bad.
Arthur Schopenhauer
The inexpressible depth of music, so easy to understand and yet so inexplicable, is due to the fact that it reproduces all the emotions of our innermost being, but entirely without reality and remote from its pain… Music expresses only the quintessence of life and its events, never these themselves.
Arthur Schopenhauer
Thus, the task is not so much to see what no one yet has seen, but to think what nobody yet has thought about that which everybody sees.
Arthur Schopenhauer
No one can transcend their own individuality.
Arthur Schopenhauer
If there is anything in the world that can really be called a man's property, it is surely that which is the result of his mental activity.
Arthur Schopenhauer
The problem with Germans is that they look in the clouds for what lies at their feet.
Arthur Schopenhauer
The young should early be trained to bear being left alone for it is a source of happiness and peace of mind.
Arthur Schopenhauer
It is with trifles, and when he is off guard, that a man best reveals his character.
Arthur Schopenhauer
To forgive and forget means to throw away dearly bought experience.
Arthur Schopenhauer
[T]he appropriate form of address between man and man ought to be, not monsieur, sir, but fellow sufferer, compagnon de miseres.
Arthur Schopenhauer
Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.
Arthur Schopenhauer
I love looking at famous people. Because of the way they look. Because of the way photography makes them look famous.
Arthur Schopenhauer