Inspirational Quotes
While we may not mind being used, we resent deeply being made to feel discarded.
Chris Matthews
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Chris Matthews
Age: 79
Born: 1945
Born: December 17
Television Presenter
Christopher John Matthews
More quotes by Chris Matthews
Are Democrats for expanding U.S. trade with the world and perhaps creating new jobs, or are they out to protect existing U.S. jobs?
Chris Matthews
[Barack] Obama believes you can hold enemy combatants, unlawful enemy combatants at Gitmo without a criminal trial because this is law of war detention.
Chris Matthews
I wanted to know how Jackie felt about [John F. Kennedy], and I got to know Rachel Bunny Mellon. Bunny and her were buddies. I asked, How do you know what Jackie knew? And Bunny said, She told me.... Jackie called him Magic. Bunny said she just picked her man. That was it. This was the guy she loved.
Chris Matthews
The Kennedys formed a Kennedy party.
Chris Matthews
If you want to play a game, go to where it's played and find a way to get in. Things happen when you get in the game.
Chris Matthews
A new poll out taken by a Republican group that shows most Democrats prefer socialism to capitalism. Those terms don't mean what they did maybe 40, 50 years ago.
Chris Matthews
Someone needs to talk sense to the president. But these people are not world travelers. This president, much as I like him, had all the opportunities in the world.
Chris Matthews
While Jeb Bush finds himself mired in the muck of an intramural fight in his own party over his remarks about the Iraq War, Hillary Clinton is sticking to the low-key strategy, and it looks like it`s working.
Chris Matthews
It looks to me like the Republican Party`s in no mood to give them [voters] a reasonable choice with this clown show going on right now from the likes of, well, Newt Gingrich and Donald Trump. What a duo.
Chris Matthews
I think we all [americans] think we're a special country. But the question is, what - what call does that give us?
Chris Matthews
Bill Clinton was for NAFTA. I heard him over in Tokyo he came out all said it was a great bill. Secretary Clinton was for it. She called it the gold standard when she was secretary of state.
Chris Matthews
It was fascinating what a total interest he [John F. Kennedy] had in his tradecraft of being a politician. I didn't realize before that he was working on his memoirs all along, how he ran for Congress, that sort of thing.
Chris Matthews
The fact that younger people are more inclined to socialism may well come with the fact that so many young people's first experience with capitalism is as a debtor.
Chris Matthews
I've never heard anybody [of president's candidates] talk about the poorly educated.
Chris Matthews
I never know what all of these guys are thinking, but Marco Rubio sounded desperate, like, We've got a leak in the dike, we got to stop this thing.
Chris Matthews
All Hollywood endings - the bad endings have to be the bad guys to be falling about 50 stories to his death and you have to see his eyeballs as he goes to his doom.
Chris Matthews
There ought to be an onus on the people that want a law, rather than people that don`t need a new law.
Chris Matthews
Wouldn`t it be great for some of the Republican candidates to stand up to the money guys and say, if you want a presidential nominee who will do what the Bushes did, go from war to war, look elsewhere.
Chris Matthews
I`m surprised people are that hopeful about what government can do, because if you believe in socialism, society can run a pretty decent government, it can provide services, it can regulate the economy effectively.
Chris Matthews
Hillary Clinton did better among working-class whites when she's running against Barack Hussein Obama. How is she doing now against an older, a professor type, who seems very unthreatening, very likable.
Chris Matthews