Inspirational Quotes
Some of my students have had really bad experiences with religion. They moved away from talking to God. For a lot of people, angels are a gentle route back to the Creator.
Doreen Virtue
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Doreen Virtue
More quotes by Doreen Virtue
If you try to shut down your angel guidance, that's the path to feeling unhappy and results in addiction.
Doreen Virtue
True friends are trustworthy angels.
Doreen Virtue
The ego urges you to accomplish, while the soul merely asks you to enjoy the process.
Doreen Virtue
Pray for healthy loving friendships, and you will have them.
Doreen Virtue
Focus your awareness on the Divine spark of crystal-white light, sparkling within the center of your stomach area. See or feel this white spark of light, shining like a pilot light within you. This is the spark of your true essence, your shining flame from God. Feel the warmth within you, filling you completely with love and peaceful energy.
Doreen Virtue
Anything that you fight with or struggle against grows larger. You give power to lower energies by focusing upon them. You don't eliminate darkness by arguing with it. The only way to eliminate darkness is to turn on a light.
Doreen Virtue
Brilliant ideas are gifts from God, sent to you in answer to your prayers . . . and all you need to do is act upon the ideas, one divinely guided step at a time. If you want to validate if an idea is truly heavensent, ask your angels to send you clear signs.
Doreen Virtue
Forgive yourself for what you think you've done or not done. At every moment, you had your reasons for all of your actions and decisions. You've always done the best that you could do. Forgive yourself.
Doreen Virtue
A lot of my work with the financial and helping my workers involves taking them back to their past life and helping them to understand this past.
Doreen Virtue
Who has time for toxic relationships? If someone isn't honoring your feelings, it's not a real relationship. If you feel drained after spending time with someone, that's a red flag!
Doreen Virtue
Ask God and the angels to help you to meet people who will treat you with respect and love.
Doreen Virtue
Don't feel obligated to spend time with people who pull you off the path of your life purpose.
Doreen Virtue
I don't in any way believe that I'm special.
Doreen Virtue
Call upon Angels to polish the jewels inside your thoughts and feelings, for within every fear or worry is a shining energy of love. Today be aware of your amazing power of manifestation. Know that in everything you think and feel, the entire universe is fully supporting you.
Doreen Virtue
If we're not at peace, we are in an ego state.
Doreen Virtue
Even labeling the tea party and left and right its dangerous, because it's - it's another ego separation tool.
Doreen Virtue
I feel like every job teaches us something...
Doreen Virtue
Instead of searching for what you want externally, concentrate on developing mental pictures of your desires. Surround these images with feelings of security, gratitude, and faith and know that what you’ve been looking for is on its way to you right now.
Doreen Virtue
Because you’re a creation of God, you reflect the Divine qualities of creativity, wisdom, and love.
Doreen Virtue
Each moment spent in prayer is like a coin put into a bank account.
Doreen Virtue