Inspirational Quotes
Near-death experiences release a lot of endorphins, resulting in a natural high, Tod whispered. And it's totally true that one passion feeds another. You know we're way past 'near-death', right? My endorphins aren't listening to you.
Rachel Vincent
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Rachel Vincent
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Not even if you fed me your firstborn, still wet and screaming
Rachel Vincent
I want you. I want you so badly I can’t stand it. When you left, it felt like the world got darker. Like I couldn’t truly see anything. Couldn’t feel anything.
Rachel Vincent
I want you. I want only you. I want all of you. But I'll take whatever you're ready to give.
Rachel Vincent
If Eastlake High School were the universe, I would be one of the moons circling Planet Emma, constantly hidden by her shadow, and glad to be there. Nash Hudson would be one of the stars: too bright to look at, too hot to touch and at the center of his own solar system.
Rachel Vincent
You know, most girls sleep with a teddy bear or an extra pillow. But I gotta say, that's kinda hot.
Rachel Vincent
Tod's pale brows arched halfway up his forehead, and he looked suddenly, achingly wistful. She knows not what she says... Maybe not. But I was starting to get a pretty good idea.
Rachel Vincent
Exactly what part of that is supposed to make me feel better? Though, honestly, hearing that she was jealous of me did make me feel a teeny, tiny bit better.
Rachel Vincent
So could we please not mob the three-thousand-plus-year-old reaper like tweens at a boy-band concert?
Rachel Vincent
You already said that, Sabine said, folding the wrapper back from her burger. You said it a lot, actually. Which supports my theory that apologies are basically pointless. They don't fix anything, right? That's why I rarely bother.
Rachel Vincent
But my hands are in the right place. Heart, I corrected. Your heart's in the right place. Yeah, but my hands are in an even better place. And so they were.
Rachel Vincent
So, we wait until tomorrow night, and when you say the word, I cross over and haul you both out. Right? That's it? With any luck, yes. Luck? We were depending on luck? Nash is so screwed.
Rachel Vincent
She watched me with a creepy sort of detached curiosity, as if I were a bug crawling across the sidewalk in front of her. I wondered briefly if she was the ant stomper type.
Rachel Vincent
it isn’t healthy, how wrapped up they are in each other. Relationships like that burn bright, but when they burn out, they leave everyone blistered.
Rachel Vincent
Forever used to feel like a curse. Now it feels like a promise.
Rachel Vincent
I want you, Kaylee, like I’ve never wanted anything. Ever. I want the fire. I want the heat, and the light, and I want the burn.
Rachel Vincent
Had I just begged for an audience with Death?
Rachel Vincent
If you want to call yourself my friend, you should know that position comes with boundaries. Sabine frowned. I'm no good with boundaries. Yes, and the ocean is damp. Can we be done with the understatements now?
Rachel Vincent
I’m saying that I can wait. For now. But when things get back to normal—assuming that ever happens—I want my shot. We can make each other happy, Faythe. I know it. And I’m done walking away from things I want just because they don’t come easily. You’re worth the work.
Rachel Vincent
As a matter of fact, I was going to offer you something.” “What did you have in mind?” A field trip. You interested in doing something dangerous, and possibly illegal?” “Does it involve underage girls, broken curfews and assorted fruit toppings?
Rachel Vincent
10:38 AM - Third period. Kaylee has no class this period. I have no one to kill. Coincidence, or fate?
Rachel Vincent